Ascend explores the idea of touch and, similarly to the Leaving A Trace series, has been created by grabbing the clay and leaving a mark within it. These pieces are placed on the wall in a scattered array, they will extend up to the height of my reach with my arms extended up as high as I can go.
This work allows the audience to understand the work through the recognition of the hand prints in the clay, there is a reminder of a climbing wall in this piece which an audience can understand as something to touch and hold, therefore enticing the audience into wanting to touch the work, however the fact it is a work of art removes the possibility for them to be held. The pieces are seen from both straight on, above and below depending on where they are situated on the wall, you are able to see the shape of the hand, the imprint of the fingers and even the print of the hand. The accuracy of the depiction of the hand allows the viewer to see an accurate representation of part of my body as the creator of the work.
Material: Ceramics
Size: Variable
Ascend, Installation Shot
Ascend, Detail
Ascend, Detail
Ascend, Installation Shot